Restore Longhorn backup
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Simple note-to-self about restoring a volume from a Longhorn backup.
Should be straightforward, but have made of mess of it a few times - so therefore a short 'note-to-self' about restoring a Longhorn backup. Longhorn backups is stored remotely on AWS S3/NFS contrary to snapshots.

Joomla on K3s
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Running a Jooma CMS on K3s.
K3S v1.24.8+k3s1 on Ubuntu 20.04 (AMD64). Disabled servicelb and traefik. Installed metalLB and traefik after initial installation. Using local-path storage class.
This config cannot scale - replicas: above 1 will not work if you are using more than one node. A ReadWriteOnce volume can only be mounted to a single pod (unless the pods are running on the same node). Get the files on GitHub (https://github.com/lars-c/K3s-Joomla)

Pihole on K3s
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Setup: K3s v1.24.8+k3s1 on Ubuntu 20.04 (AMD64). Disabled servicelb and traefik. Installed metalLB and traefik after the initial installation. Using local-path storage class. It is not a cluster solution. I.e., you cannot scale this setup - replicas: above 1 will not work. A ReadWriteOnce volume can only be mounted to a single pod (unless the pods are running on the same node).

OpenWrt AP logins and Graylog Lookup Tables
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What this is about: Export AP logs for successful logins to a txt file. Use the txt file to compare each following login from the same AP: Is new login on the list or not. So, 1) Find and export the relevant data 2) Create a Pipeline and test new logins against this data. I am no docker/Graylog expert. This is more like 'note-to-self" kind of thing. Please check with Docker or Graylog documentation.
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